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Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts Information

Boy Scout Troop 518

Meets Mondays at 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at the Hut, behind the church.

Boy Scout Troop 518 began with 9 Boy Scouts when they came to Red Bank United Methodist Church in 2006.

  The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a youth organization that focuses on character development, citizenship training, leadership skills, and physical fitness through outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and kayaking, primarily aimed at boys and girls aged 11-17, known as "Scouts BSA" where they can learn valuable life skills while participating in adventures and community service initiatives; the program emphasizes the Scout Oath and Law as guiding principles for ethical behavior and personal growth. Key points about Boy Scouts:


  • Age range: Primarily for youth between 11 and 17 years old. 

  • Focus areas: Character development, citizenship training, leadership skills, and physical fitness. 

  • Activities: Camping, hiking, kayaking, first aid, knot tying, community service projects. 

  • Program name: "Scouts BSA" 

  • Core values: The Scout Oath and Law, which emphasize honesty, loyalty, helpfulness, and responsibility. 


BSA programs are divided by age and activity: Cub Scouting is for boys and girls in kindergarten through 5th grade, Scouts BSA is open to young men and young women in grades 6 through 12, and co-ed Venturing and Sea Scouting are available for young men and young women age 14 through 20. The BSA also offers career-oriented co-ed Exploring programs to youth age 10 through 20. 

Traditional Scouting programs are operated by local chartering organizations, such as religious institutions, clubs, civic associations, and educational organizations, which implement the Scouting program for youth within their communities. These units are led entirely by volunteers appointed by the chartering organization, who are supported by local councils using both volunteers and paid professional staff. 


Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Scout Mission: The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. For More Information.

Contact Brad Reynolds at

Cub Scout Pack 518

Meets Tuesdays at 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm in the old classrooms wing of RBUMC.

Cub Scout Pack 518 joined Red Bank United Methodist Church in 2004. Scouts ranging from 1st to 5th grade, including boys and girls.  The focus is on teaching students to have strong morals and values and become good leaders and citizens in the communities. Cub Scouts participate in the annual Pinewood Derby races at the Pack and District level. Building a pinewood derby car with a parent is one of the highlights of the year. The Pack camps twice a year and the Cub Scouts learn to survive outdoors and respect our land. 

  • Good Citizenship

       Cub Scouts learn about our country’s flag, its history, proper care and respect for what it represents.

  • Character Development

       Cub Scouts learn about the perseverance, resourcefulness and courage of the pioneers who founded         our country.

  • Sportsmanship and Fitness

       Cub Scouts will enjoy outdoor activities and will learn the benefits of personal fitness and being a                 good sport.

  • Fun and Adventure

       Cub Scouts will enjoy the opportunity to play in and enjoy the great outdoors.

  • Perseverance

       Cub Scouts will learn to tackle new skills.

  • Preparation for Boy Scouts

       Cub Scouts will begin learning skills as they move along the trail that will prepare them to join a Troop.

Our leaders are fully trained in accordance with Boys Scouts of America’s standards. 

Cub Scout Pack 518 combats Nature- Deficit Disorder by:

Participating in the Indian Waters Council events and implementing a full and fun outdoor program. Family camping is twice a year, first campout is in the fall with our second campout in the spring.


Most Dens will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30pm at Red Bank UMC in the Sunday School classes. Although the evening your den meets depends on your Den Leader.

Pack Meetings are held monthly, the 4th Tuesday of each month at Red Bank classrooms, unless a campout or special event is held that month. Special events, such as family camping, serve as our Pack Meetings.

Scouting for Food – the 1st two weekends in February.

Scout Sunday – 2nd weekend in February.

Blue and Gold Banquet – Each den achieves the rank they worked on all year and Webelos II move onto Boy Scouts.

Fund Raising – Pack 518 sells hot dogs every year. Every Cub Scout family is asked to participate in fundraising. The commissions earned by this event funds awards and special events for each Cub Scout.

For more Information please contact: 

Brad Reynolds at

Girl Scout Information

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Girl Scout Troop 2323

Meets every Monday from 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm.

In the old Classrooms wing of RBUMC.

Girl Scout Troop 2323 is a multi-level troop that covers kindergarten through 12th grade. We follow the Lexington School District 1 Calendar for winter & spring holidays and bad weather closings. The leaders are fully trained in accordance with Girl Scouts of America’s standards. They live by the Girl Scout Law and uphold the Girl Scout Promise. They strive to help build girls of courage, confidence and character that make the world a better place. 

All the Girl Scout troops are involved with missions and community service at Red Bank United Methodist church and the Red Bank community. 

For more information Contact:

Joanne Shaw,

Amanda Williams-Lorick

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