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Plan A Visit

Plan A Visit

If you are visiting for the first time, we would like to get the chance to get to know you and help you get connected. Talk to one of our greeters as you come in the Narthex at the front of the church. They can help you with any questions you have and give you basic information. They will also give you any information on any specific groups or ministries that are within the church you might be interested in.  ​

Red Bank United Methodist Church Service Information

Where Do I go When I Get There?

There are visitor parking spots on the far right side of the church. They are marked as Visitor Parking.

When Should I arrive?

Our  Traditional Services are at 8:50 AM and 11:00 AM. Amplified Church is at 10:00 AM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM. It would be best to arrive 10 minutes before the service.

What about My Children?

We have child care available.  The Nursery is available for all services and is for

ages 0-2.  We also offer Children's Church during the 10:00AM and 11:00 Services.

How Long Is The Service?

Our services usually last from one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. 


Our Worship Services

Traditional Worship Services

We are a bible based church and speak from the Bible in our Sermons and in our Sunday School Classes. New visitors are always welcome! Make us your church home.

Enter the main front doors to go to the Sanctuary.

Our services are Sundays at 8:50AM and 11:00AM.

Sunday School is at 10:00AM.

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Amplified Church

Amplified Church is a modern worship service at Red Bank United Methodist Church. It was formed to help the people of the community find a closer relationship through Jesus Christ. Come worship God through a live band singing songs you hear on the radio.  It will be a great experience!

The Fellowship Hall is on the far right of the church.

Join Us each Sunday at 10:00AM in the Fellowship Hall!

Copyright © 2025 Red Bank United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.

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